A Walk Among the Waterfalls

Many of people have heard from me, many a times, about how much I LOVE the area around where I live, in Chattanooga, TN. We’ve got mountains (well what we east coasters call ‘Mountains’ lol), rivers, lakes, forests, and even a few patches of what could be called ‘deserts’. But, my favorites are our Waterfalls!

There’s one close by me that is one of my all time favorites. I won’t go into where exactly it is, cause it’s a bit of a local secret, but when I tell you it looks like a Fairytale…..

It Really is like stepping into a Fairytale…

First we started off a beautifully manicured walkway through the woods (in Spring this area is Full of wildflowers)…

Then when we got to the falls, just a short walk away, we started the real magic!

And at the end of the day, we even spotted a Mermaid ;)


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